
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tom and Sarah's Wedding Blog

I do eventually plan to continue writing on my blog, but things have just been too hectic for the past I don't know 6 months? And show no indications of slowing down anytime soon...

Also I've been working on a blog for my brother his fiance Sarah about their upcoming wedding. Check it out!

Tom Beverly & Sarah Cullinan 
November 12, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A typical day at Olduvai

Wake up at 6 AM.
Breakfast at 6:30
Head out to site by 7:00.

Then I was dropped off and hiked into wherever my site happened to be that day. Work mostly consisted of this: Digging a trench (with lots of help), describing, measuring, and photographing a trench, collecting samples, and finally hauling them back up to camp. 

Work until 12:30 or 1:00 when someone would come back by in a truck to pick us up for lunch. We stopped at 12:30 for two reasons. A) It becomes too dang hot to do anything besides go eat lunch and rethink why you came to Africa in the first place and B) The light at the equator is weird! After about 11 am you start to think you are crazy. All these things you saw and described just start to disappear as the light begins to shine directly over head.

So we head back to camp to have lunch and take a siesta if you can until 4 when head back out until the sun begins to set at 6. Then it's back to camp for a "shower," dinner, and a well earned beer. I usually headed back to my tent at 9 to read and was asleep by 10 if not sooner.

Next up: Accommodations!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A little preview...

I promise that soon I will start up the blog again, but for now here's a little video preview that I made over Christmas break.