Doing a little reminiscing about my trip this summer today, so I decided that it was time for an update. Grad school is kicking my butt this semester what with taking two classes, teaching, applying for grants and fellowships, working on my own research, and making a poster for an upcoming conference I'm a little overwhelmed and haven't had time to work on my blog.
On Day 11 Felix and I drove from Munich down to the Neuschwanstein Castle. It was built by this crazy kind Ludwig the II who was obsessed with the German composer Wagner. Most rooms of the castle have a theme based on Wagner's operas.
Here I am in the courtyard of the castle. This castle is also the inspiration for the castle in Sleeping Beauty, which I believe I loved so much as a child that my Mom used to ask the librarians to tell me it was checked out even if it wasn't.
We hiked up to see the view from the bridge that used to be the entrance to the castle. It was a little scary to be up there because the wind made the bridge shake, but the view was spectacular with the Alps in the background.
May 31, 2010
I miss Europe, and you.
Neuschwanstein Castle Last summer I visited the most famous castle in Germany and it is none other than Neuschwanstein Castle |